If you're wondering why I, and not some great literary person has been asked to write the forward of this book, it's because myself, and my colleagues in Saxon, we're part of the musical phenomenon that blasted out of this country two years ago - Heavy Metal, Heavy Rock, Hard Rock or just simply Rock. It's obvious to most people that it actually started more than two years ago, but for the sake of details, this was when it first hit the headlines. It's been called many things, some of which were 'Revival' and 'New Wave Of British Heavy Metal'. Quite a few people have tried to pin down and analyse it and have come up with theories as to why it has become so popular again. Even so, bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple etc., have always been popular, and it's bands like ourselves - SAXON, and many others (to whom I apologise for not being able to list here) whom the media call the new bands which have come through. In my opinion this happened because people were sick to death of punk, mod and reggae, - of being told what to like, and the press and radio dominating the country with this type of music. Really, it was YOU who were the phenomenon - the Rock Fan. YOU bought the albums, YOU bought the tickets and YOU demanded the music be played. We were all there ready and just waiting for YOU.
P.S. Keep the faith.